Washington, D. C.

                                   FORM U-3A-2

                       UTILITY HOLDING COMPANY ACT OF 1935

                      TO BE FILED ANNUALLY PRIOR TO MARCH 1

                            ALEXANDER & BALDWIN, INC.
                                (Name of Company)
                                 P. O. Box 3440
                             Honolulu, Hawaii  96801

(hereinafter called the "Claimant") and its wholly-owned subsidiary, A&B-Hawaii,
Inc., P. O. Box 3440, Honolulu, Hawaii 96801 (hereinafter called "Co-claimant"),
hereby file with the Securities and Exchange Commission, pursuant to Rule U-2,
this joint and consolidated statement claiming exemption as a holding company
from the provisions of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935.  This
statement is filed jointly by Claimant and Co-claimant pursuant to oral author-
ization to file on a joint and consolidated basis received from the Commission
on February 21, 1990.  In support of such claim for exemption the following
information is submitted:

        1.  The name, jurisdiction of organization, location and nature of
business of Claimant and Co-claimant, and every subsidiary thereof, other than
any exempt wholesale generator (EWG) or foreign utility company in which
Claimant or Co-claimant directly or indirectly hold an interest, as at
January 31, 1996 (indirect subsidiaries are indicated by indentation).

        Name:          of Organization  Location   Nature of Business

Alexander & Baldwin, Inc.   Hawaii      Honolulu,  Ocean carriage of goods,
                                         Hawaii    real property management
                                                   and development, invest-

A&B Inc.                    Hawaii      Honolulu,  Inactive
A&B-Hawaii, Inc.            Hawaii      Honolulu,  Agriculture/food (includ-
                                         Hawaii    ing sugar cane and coffee
                                                   plantations), real property
                                                   management and development,
                                                   general freight and petro-
                                                   leum hauling and
                                                   self-storage services
     A&B Development       California   Honolulu,  Ownership, manage-
     Company                             Hawaii    ment and development of
     (California)                                  real property in California
     A&B Properties,       Hawaii       Kahului,   Ownership, management,
     Inc.                                Hawaii    development and selling of 
                                                   real property
     California and        Hawaii       Crockett,    Refining raw sugar and
     Hawaiian Sugar                      California  marketing of refined
     Company, Inc.                                   sugar products and
       MLM Corporation     California   Crockett,    Marketing of refined
                                         California  sugar products
     East Maui Irrigation  Hawaii       Puunene,     Collection and
     Company, Limited                    Hawaii      distribution of 
                                                     irrigation water on
                                                     island of Maui
     Kahului Trucking &    Hawaii       Kahului,     Motor carriage of goods,
     Storage, Inc.                       Hawaii      self-storage services and 
                                                     stevedoring on island of 

     Kauai Commercial      Hawaii       Lihue,       Motor carriage of goods
     Company,                            Hawaii      and self-storage services
     Incorporated                                    on island of Kauai
     Kukui'ula             Hawaii       Koloa,       Ownership, management
     Development                         Hawaii      and development of real
     Company, Inc.                                   property on island of Kauai
     McBryde Sugar         Hawaii       Eleele,      Sugar cane and coffee
     Company, Limited                    Hawaii      plantations
       Island Coffee       Hawaii       Eleele,      Grow,process and sell
       Company, Inc.                     Hawaii      coffee
     Ohanui Corporation    Hawaii       Puunene,     Collection and distribution
                                         Hawaii      of domestic water on island
                                                     of Maui
     South Shore           Hawaii       Koloa,       Development and
     Community                           Hawaii      operation of sewer trans-
     Services, Inc.                                  mission and treatment 
                                                     system on island of Kauai
     South Shore           Hawaii       Koloa,       Development and
     Resources, Inc.                     Hawaii      operation of water
                                                     source and delivery system 
                                                     on island of Kauai
     WDCI, INC.            Hawaii       Honolulu,    Ownership, management
                                         Hawaii      and development of property
     Hawaiian Sugar &      Hawaii       Crockett,    Ocean carriage of sugar
     Transportation                      California  from Hawaii

  Matson Navigation        Hawaii       San          Ocean carriage of goods
  Company, Inc.                         Francisco,   between West Coast of
                                        California   United States and Hawaii,
                                                     Western Pacific and Asian 
     Matson Intermodal     Hawaii       San          Broker, shipper's agent
     System, Inc.                       Francisco,   and freight forwarder for
                                        California   overland cargo services of 
                                                     ocean carriers
     Matson Leasing        Hawaii       San          Formerly container leasing;
     Company, Inc.                      Francisco,   in process of winding-down
                                        California   following the sale of its
                                                     net assets in June 1995
     Matson Services       Hawaii       San          Tugboat services
     Company, Inc.                      Francisco,
     Matson Terminals,     Hawaii       San          Stevedoring and terminal 
     Inc.                               Francisco,   services
     The Matson            California   San          Inactive
     Company                            Francisco,
     The Oceanic           California   San          Inactive
     Steamship                          Francisco,
     Company                            California
        2.  A brief description of the properties of Claimant and Co-claimant,
and each of their subsidiary public utility companies, used for the generation,
transmission and distribution of electric energy for sale, or for the
production, transmission and distribution of natural or manufactured gas:

Claimant:                   None

Co-Claimant:                4 steam-driven generators with rated capacities of 1
                            of 12,000 KW, 2 of 10,000 KW, and 1 of 20,000 KW; 5
                            hydroelectric plants with rated capacities of 1 of
                            1,000 KW, 3 of 1,500 KW and 1 of 500 KW; about 80
                            miles of transmission lines; all located on the
                            island of Maui, State of Hawaii

McBryde Sugar Company,      2 steam-driven generators with rated capacities of
Limited ("McBryde")         7,500 KW; 2 hydroelectric plants with rated
(Note 1)                    capacities of 1 of 1,000 KW and 1 of 3,600 KW; about
                            70 miles of transmission lines; all located on the
                            island of Kauai, State of Hawaii

        3.  Information for the calendar year 1995 with respect to Claimant and
Co-claimant, and each of their subsidiary public utility companies:
         (a)(1) Number of kwh of electric energy sold (all sales were at
                Claimant         None
                Co-claimant      98,031,000 kwh
                McBryde          19,625,000 kwh


Note 1. McBryde Sugar Company, Limited has filed with the Securities and
        Exchange Commission an application for an order declaring that it is
        not an electric utility company.

            (2) Number of Mcf of natural or manufactured gas distributed at
                None.  Neither Claimant nor Co-claimant, nor any of their
subsidiary public utility companies, distributes any natural or manufactured gas
at retail.

           (b)  Number of kwh of electric energy and Mcf of natural or
manufactured gas distributed at retail outside the State in which each such
company is organized:

                None.  Neither Claimant nor Co-claimant, nor any of their
subsidiary public utility companies, distributes any electric energy or natural
or manufactured gas at retail outside the State in which each such company is

           (c)  Number of kwh of electric energy and Mcf of natural or
manufactured gas sold at wholesale outside the State in which each such company
is organized, or at the State line:

                None.  Neither Claimant nor Co-claimant, nor any of their
subsidiary public utility companies, sells electric energy or natural or
manufactured gas at wholesale (or otherwise) outside the State in which each
such company is organized, or at the State line.

           (d)  Number of kwh of electric energy and Mcf of natural or
manufactured gas purchased outside the State in which each such company is
organized, or at the State line:

                None.  Neither Claimant nor Co-claimant, nor any of their
subsidiary public utility companies, purchases any electric energy or natural or
manufactured gas outside the State in which each such company is organized, or
at the State line.

        4. The following information for the reporting period with respect to
Claimant and Co-claimant and each interest they hold directly or indirectly in
an EWG or a foreign utility company, stating monetary amounts in United States
           (a)  Name, location, business address and description of the
facilities used by the EWG or foreign utility company for the generation,
transmission and distribution of electric energy for sale or for the
distribution at retail of natural or manufactured gas.

                Not applicable.  Neither Claimant nor Co-claimant holds any
interest, directly or indirectly, in an EWG or a foreign utility company.

           (b)  Name of each system company that holds an interest in such EWG
or foreign utility company; and description of the interest held.

                No applicable (see 4(a) above).
           (c)  Type and amount of capital invested, directly or indirectly, by
the holding company claiming exemption; any direct or indirect guarantee of the
security of the EWG or foreign utility company by the holding company claiming
exemption; and any debt or other financial obligation for which there is
recourse, directly or indirectly, to the holding company claiming exemption or
another system company, other than the EWG or foreign utility company.
                Not applicable (see 4(a) above).
           (d)  Capitalization and earnings of the EWG or foreign utility
company during the reporting period.       

                Not applicable (see 4(a) above).
           (e)  Identify any service, sales or construction contract(s) between
the EWG or foreign utility company and a system company, and describe the
services to be rendered or goods sold and fees or revenues under such
                Not applicable (see 4(a) above).

                                    EXHIBIT A

        Consolidating statements of income and retained earnings of Claimant and

Co-claimant, and their subsidiary companies, for the last calendar year,

together with a consolidating balance sheet of Claimant and Co-claimant, and

their subsidiary companies, as of the close of such calendar year, are attached


                                    EXHIBIT B

                             FINANCIAL DATA SCHEDULE

        The registrant is required to submit this report and any amendments
thereto electronically via EDGAR.  Attached hereto is a Financial Data Schedule
that sets forth the financial and other data specified below that are applicable
to the registrant on a consolidated basis:

                ITEM NO.    CAPTION HEADING
                   1            Total Assets
                   2            Total Operating Revenues
                   3            Net Income

                                    EXHIBIT C

        An organizational chart showing the relationship of each EWG or foreign
utility company to associate companies in the holding-company system.

        Not applicable.  Neither Claimant nor Co-claimant holds any interest,
directly or indirectly, in an EWG or a foreign utility company.

        The above-named Claimant and Co-claimant have caused this joint and

consolidated statement to be duly executed on their behalf by their authorized

officers this 26th day of February, 1996.


(Name of Claimant)                   (Name of Co-Claimant)

By: /s/ Glenn R. Rogers                  By: /s/ Glenn R. Rogers
  Glenn R. Rogers                        Glenn R. Rogers
  Vice President                         Senior Vice President

(Corporate Seal)                         (Corporate Seal)

Attest:                          Attest:

/s/ Alyson J. Nakamura                       /s/ Alyson J. Nakamura
     Asst. Secretary                        Secretary

        Name, title and address of Officer to whom notices and correspondence
concerning this statement should be addressed:

If to Claimant
Alexander & Baldwin Inc.:        Michael J. Marks
                                 Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
                                 Alexander & Baldwin, Inc.
                                 P. O. Box 3440
                                 Honolulu, Hawaii  96801

If to Co-claimant
A&B-Hawaii, Inc.:                Michael J. Marks
                                 Senior Vice President and General Counsel
                                 A&B-Hawaii, Inc.
                                 P. O. Box 3440
                                 Honolulu, Hawaii  96801


($000 omitted)
ABIC Elim ABI MNC ABHIC OPERATING REVENUES: Net sales 40,687 0 2,400 0 38,287 Net sugar sales 335,260 0 0 335,260 Transportation and terminal services 511,673 0 0 505,774 5,899 Rentals and other services 100,423 0 7,887 63,195 29,341 Total operating revenues 988,043 0 10,287 568,969 408,787 OPERATING COSTS AND EXPENSES: Cost of goods sold 23,887 0 243 0 23,644 Cost of sugar sold 316,367 0 0 316,367 Cost of services 473,757 0 2,703 439,486 31,568 Plantation closure 8,100 8,100 Total operating costs and expenses 822,111 0 2,946 439,486 379,679 GROSS MARGIN 165,932 0 7,341 129,483 29,108 GENERAL, ADMIN & SELLING EXPENSES 103,678 0 9,111 63,768 30,799 SELLING EXPENSES 0 0 0 INCOME (LOSS) FROM OPERATIONS 62,254 0 (1,770) 65,715 (1,691) OTHER INCOME: Interest - other 19,571 0 19 19,086 466 Total interest (other than intercompany) 19,571 0 19 19,086 466 Interest - intercompany 0 (1,817) 1,057 713 47 Total interest 19,571 (1,817) 1,076 19,799 513 Dividends 2,683 0 2,683 0 0 Gain on disposal of property (243) (5,816) 8 (9) 5,574 Gain of sale of securities 0 0 0 0 0 Other 10,401 0 31 5,761 4,609 Total securities and other 10,401 0 31 5,761 4,609 Total other income 32,412 (7,633) 3,798 25,551 10,696 OTHER DEDUCTIONS: Interest - other 37,365 0 1,384 16,879 19,102 Interest capitalized (3,936) 0 0 (3,936) Total interest (other than intercompany) 33,429 0 1,384 16,879 15,166 Interest - intercompany 0 (1,817) 43 0 1,774 Total interest 33,429 (1,817) 1,427 16,879 16,940 Other 9,283 0 177 2,784 6,322 Total other deductions 42,712 (1,817) 1,604 19,663 23,262 INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES 51,954 (5,816) 424 71,603 (14,257) PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES (CREDIT): Current - Federal (23,833) 0 (715) (19,379) (3,739) Current - State 403 0 72 760 (429) Deferred income taxes 42,965 (2,168) 1,070 45,691 (1,628) Total provision for income taxes 19,535 (2,168) 427 27,072 (5,796) INCOME FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS 32,419 (3,648) (3) 44,531 (8,461) DISCONTINUED OPS: MLC 5,336 0 0 5,336 0 GAIN ON SALE OF MLC NET ASSETS 18,000 18,000 NET INCOME 55,755 (3,648) (3) 67,867 (8,461) A&B-HAWAII, INC. CONSOLIDATING STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995 ($000 omitted) ABHIC Elim ABHI ABP ABD OPERATING REVENUES: Net sales 38,287 (6,763) 17,364 20,075 0 Net sugar sales 335,260 (93,559) 89,849 0 0 Transportation and terminal services 5,899 0 0 0 0 Rentals and other services 29,341 (4,193) 762 17,101 13 Total operating revenues 408,787 (104,515) 107,975 37,176 13 OPERATING COSTS AND EXPENSES: Cost of goods sold 23,644 (3,288) 8,763 10,067 0 Cost of sugar sold 316,367 (93,559) 90,468 0 0 Cost of services 31,568 (3,506) 92 5,683 13 Plantation closure 8,100 Total operating costs and expenses 379,679 (100,353) 99,323 15,750 13 GROSS MARGIN 29,108 (4,162) 8,652 21,426 0 GENERAL, ADMIN & SELLING EXPENSES 30,799 (686) 5,636 4,894 0 SELLING EXPENSES 0 0 0 0 0 INCOME (LOSS) FROM OPERATIONS (1,691) (3,476) 3,016 16,532 0 OTHER INCOME: Interest - other 466 0 129 320 0 Total interest (other than intercompany) 466 0 129 320 0 Interest - intercompany 47 (576) 623 0 0 Total interest 513 (576) 752 320 0 Dividends 0 0 0 0 0 Gain on disposal of property 5,574 (9,999) 8,484 0 0 Gain of sale of securities 0 0 0 0 0 Other 4,609 0 1,474 1 0 Total securities and other 4,609 0 1,474 1 0 Total other income 10,696 (10,575) 10,710 321 0 OTHER DEDUCTIONS: Interest - other 19,102 3,936 11,926 (655) 0 Interest capitalized (3,936) (3,936) 0 0 0 Total interest (other than intercompany) 15,166 0 11,926 (655) 0 Interest - intercompany 1,774 (576) 1,774 0 0 Total interest 16,940 (576) 13,700 (655) 0 Other 6,322 0 441 0 0 Total other deductions 23,262 (576) 14,141 (655) 0 INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES (14,257) (13,475) (415) 17,508 0 PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES (CREDIT): Current - Federal (3,739) 1 950 6,937 66 Current - State (429) 1 (326) 383 (2) Deferred income taxes (1,628) (4,933) (381) (780) (64) Total provision for income taxes (5,796) (4,931) 243 6,540 0 INCOME FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (8,461) (8,544) (658) 10,968 0 DISCONTINUED OPS: MLC 0 0 0 0 0 GAIN ON SALE OF MLC NET ASSETS NET INCOME (8,461) (8,544) (658) 10,968 0
WDCI KDC SSR SSC C&H MCB OPERATING REVENUES: Net sales 2,810 0 0 0 760 Net sugar sales 0 0 0 0 333,674 5,296 Transportation and terminal services 0 0 0 0 0 Rentals and other services 11,938 0 0 18 0 Total operating revenues 14,748 0 0 18 333,674 6,056 OPERATING COSTS AND EXPENSES: Cost of goods sold 69 0 0 0 130 Cost of sugar sold 0 0 0 0 312,176 7,282 Cost of services 4,535 0 0 18 17,635 0 Plantation closure 8,100 Total operating costs and expenses 4,604 0 0 18 329,811 15,512 GROSS MARGIN 10,144 0 0 0 3,863 (9,456) GENERAL, ADMIN & SELLING EXPENSES 120 84 0 0 19,778 0 SELLING EXPENSES 0 0 0 0 INCOME (LOSS) FROM OPERATIONS 10,024 (84) 0 0 (15,915) (9,456) OTHER INCOME: Interest - other 14 0 0 0 1 0 Total interest (other than intercompany) 14 0 0 0 1 0 Interest - intercompany 0 0 0 0 0 Total interest 14 0 0 0 1 0 Dividends 0 0 0 0 0 Gain on disposal of property 0 0 0 0 (166) 7,342 Gain of sale of securities 0 0 0 0 0 Other 499 0 0 0 1,392 454 Total securities and other 499 0 0 0 1,392 454 Total other income 513 0 0 0 1,227 7,796 OTHER DEDUCTIONS: Interest - other 20 (2,115) (57) (1,105) 7,152 0 Interest capitalized 0 0 0 0 0 Total interest (other than intercompany) 20 (2,115) (57) (1,105) 7,152 0 Interest - intercompany 0 0 0 0 576 0 Total interest 20 (2,115) (57) (1,105) 7,728 0 Other 0 0 0 0 5,535 36 Total other deductions 20 (2,115) (57) (1,105) 13,263 36 INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES 10,517 2,031 57 1,105 (27,951) (1,696) PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES (CREDIT): Current - Federal 2,422 708 37 (563) (12,349) (724) Current - State (35) 75 4 (13) (351) (14) Deferred income taxes 746 (25) (20) 988 2,282 (22) Total provision for income taxes 3,133 758 21 412 (10,418) (760) INCOME FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS 7,384 1,273 36 693 (17,533) (936) DISCONTINUED OPS: MLC 0 0 0 0 0 GAIN ON SALE OF MLC NET ASSETS NET INCOME 7,384 1,273 36 693 (17,533) (936) A&B-HAWAII, INC. CONSOLIDATING STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995 ($000 omitted) MCBF KCC KTS OC EMI OPERATING REVENUES: Net sales 3,092 0 949 Net sugar sales 0 0 0 Transportation and terminal services 0 2,569 3,330 0 0 Rentals and other services 0 307 3,395 0 0 Total operating revenues 3,092 2,876 6,725 0 949 OPERATING COSTS AND EXPENSES: Cost of goods sold 6,954 0 949 Cost of sugar sold 0 0 0 Cost of services 0 2,324 4,774 0 0 Plantation closure 0 Total operating costs and expenses 6,954 2,324 4,774 0 949 GROSS MARGIN (3,862) 552 1,951 0 0 GENERAL, ADMIN & SELLING EXPENSES 0 470 503 SELLING EXPENSES INCOME (LOSS) FROM OPERATIONS (3,862) 82 1,448 0 0 OTHER INCOME: Interest - other 0 2 0 0 Total interest (other than intercompany) 2 0 0 Interest - intercompany 0 0 0 0 0 Total interest 0 0 2 0 0 Dividends 0 0 0 Gain on disposal of property (87) 0 0 Gain of sale of securities 0 0 0 Other 479 5 305 Total securities and other 479 0 0 5 305 Total other income 392 0 2 5 305 OTHER DEDUCTIONS: I Interest - other 0 0 0 Interest capitalized 0 0 0 Total interest (other than intercompany) 0 0 0 Interest - intercompany 0 0 0 0 Total interest 0 0 0 0 0 Other 0 5 305 Total other deductions 0 0 0 5 305 INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES (3,470) 82 1,450 0 0 PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES (CREDIT): Current - Federal (1,695) (2) 490 0 (17) Current - State (159) (2) 13 0 (3) Deferred income taxes 503 35 24 0 19 Total provision for income taxes (1,351) 31 527 0 (1) INCOME FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (2,119) 51 923 0 1 DISCONTINUED OPS: MLC 0 0 0 GAIN ON SALE OF MLC NET ASSETS NET INCOME (2,119) 51 923 0 1
ABIC Elim ABI MNC ABHIC CURRENT ASSETS: Cash (4,453) 44 (6,023) 1,526 Certificates of deposit 0 0 0 0 Short-term investments 36,603 0 36,603 0 Accounts and notes receivable: 0 0 0 Trade 107,196 52 75,726 31,418 Sugar receivable 3,501 0 0 3,501 Other 36,070 23 17,398 18,649 0 0 0 Undistributed return from sugar 47,604 0 0 47,604 Production costs deferred (accrued) 0 0 0 0 Property held for Resale 23,550 0 0 23,550 Saleable inventories 3,681 0 0 3,681 Materials and supplies 34,821 0 11,717 23,104 Deferred income tax 11,439 (1,071) (104) 5,503 7,111 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 13,413 1,195 845 7,302 4,071 Accrued for deposit in CCF (6,233) 0 (6,233) 0 Total current assets 307,192 124 860 141,993 164,215 INVESTMENTS: Subsidiaries consolidated 0 (513,470) 513,470 0 0 Divisions 0 (66,903) 66,903 0 0 Other 82,246 81,538 0 708 REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENTS 56,104 0 0 56,104 PROPERTY: Land 60,101 (3,683) 17,542 46,242 Buildings 202,769 (2,133) 58,476 0 146,426 Vessels 657,238 0 657,238 0 Machinery and equipment 660,499 11,599 388,678 260,222 Water, power and sewer system 82,208 6,821 0 75,387 Other property improvements 91,091 2,755 54,713 33,623 Total 1,753,906 (5,816) 97,193 1,100,629 561,900 Less accumulated depreciation 780,392 10,512 565,006 204,874 Property - net 973,514 (5,816) 86,681 535,623 357,026 CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION FUND 317,212 0 317,212 0 NONCURRENT INTERCOMPANY RECEIVABLES 0 16,876 20,529 (37,405) DEFERRED CHARGES AND OTHER ASSETS 46,491 1,234 2,402 42,855 TOTAL 1,782,759 (586,065) 767,562 1,017,759 583,503 ALEXANDER & BALDWIN, INC. CONSOLIDATING BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1995 ($000 omitted) ABIC Elim ABI MNC ABHIC CURRENT LIABILITIES: Notes payable 83,000 0 0 0 83,000 Current portion of long-term debt 24,794 (1) 850 15,294 8,651 Capital lease obligations (current) 11,061 0 0 10,561 500 Accounts payable 30,916 1 319 19,040 11,556 Payrolls and vacation pay 19,891 0 649 9,766 9,476 Income taxes - current 0 3,225 (6,292) (1,105) 4,172 Income taxes - deferred 0 0 0 0 Other taxes 6,099 0 508 3,952 1,639 Postretirement benefits obligations-current 5,118 50 4 667 4,397 Uninsured claims 13,076 0 0 9,529 3,547 Reserve for drydocking 4,725 0 0 4,725 0 Other liabilities 24,113 (50) 2,350 10,321 11,492 Total current liabilities 222,793 3,225 (1,612) 82,750 138,430 LONG-TERM LIABILITIES: Long-term debt 380,389 0 0 212,819 167,570 Long-term intercompany notes payable 0 0 0 0 0 Capital lease obligations (noncurrent) 24,186 0 0 21,186 3,000 Postretirement benefits obligations-noncurrent 118,418 (373) 39 27,797 90,955 Other 56,916 373 5,088 32,181 19,274 Total long-term liabilities 579,909 0 5,127 293,983 280,799 DEFERRED CREDITS: Deferred income taxes (noncurrent) 330,379 (5,269) 43,818 240,127 51,703 Deferred income 0 0 0 0 Total deferred credits 330,379 (5,269) 43,818 240,127 51,703 Total liabilities 1,133,081 (2,044) 47,333 616,860 470,932 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY: Capital stock 37,133 (2) 37,133 1 1 Additional capital 40,138 (149,381) 40,138 21,836 127,545 Unrealized holding gains 39,830 0 39,830 0 0 Retained earnings 546,394 (380,264) 562,571 379,062 (14,975) Treasury stock (13,817) (13,817) 0 0 Division investment 0 (54,374) 54,374 0 0 Total shareholders' equity 649,678 (584,021) 720,229 400,899 112,571 TOTAL 1,782,759 (586,065) 767,562 1,017,759 583,503
ABHIC Elim ABHI ABP ABD CURRENT ASSETS: Cash 1,526 (7) 2,879 (3,187) Certificates of deposit 0 0 Short-term investments 0 0 Accounts and notes receivable: 0 Trade 31,418 1,456 789 Sugar receivable 3,501 96 3,405 Other 18,649 (178) 2,363 3,421 0 Undistributed return from sugar 47,604 (96) 96 Production costs deferred (accrued) 0 Property held for Resale 23,550 6,584 16,966 Saleable inventories 3,681 0 Materials and supplies 23,104 6,700 Deferred income tax 7,111 3,248 548 (1) Prepaid expenses and other current assets 4,071 178 1,446 975 1 Accrued for deposit in CCF 0 0 Total current assets 164,215 6,577 21,593 19,512 0 INVESTMENTS: Subsidiaries consolidated 0 (215,877) 207,207 Divisions 0 (70,126) 70,126 Other 708 (2,331) 2,807 225 REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENTS 56,104 9,765 6,018 PROPERTY: Land 46,242 (12,894) 16,843 11,503 413 Buildings 146,426 (5,999) 6,029 29,166 5 Vessels 0 0 Machinery and equipment 260,222 136,022 1,747 Water, power and sewer system 75,387 66,238 3,126 Other property improvements 33,623 (24,955) 2,806 25,052 746 Total 561,900 (43,848) 227,938 70,594 1,164 Less accumulated depreciation 204,874 137,889 17,574 7 Property - net 357,026 (43,848) 90,049 53,020 1,157 CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION FUND 0 0 NONCURRENT INTERCOMPANY RECEIVABLES (37,405) 5,707 3,315 (77,225) 17,021 DEFERRED CHARGES AND OTHER ASSETS 42,855 (2) 810 30 TOTAL 583,503 (310,135) 395,907 1,580 18,178 A&B - HAWAII, INC. CONSOLIDATING BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1995 ($000 omitted) ABHIC Elim ABHI ABP ABD CURRENT LIABILITIES: Notes payable 83,000 0 Current portion of long-term debt 8,651 5,916 Capital lease obligations (current) 500 0 Accounts payable 11,556 (20) 2,873 3,296 (1) Payrolls and vacation pay 9,476 2,594 258 Income taxes - current 4,172 1,653 2,728 57 Income taxes - deferred 0 Other taxes 1,639 51 58 Postretirement benefits obligations-current 4,397 83 1,206 Uninsured claims 3,547 0 Reserve for drydocking 0 0 Other liabilities 11,492 (83) 7,277 1,344 0 Total current liabilities 138,430 (20) 21,570 7,684 56 LONG-TERM LIABILITIES: Long-term debt 167,570 136,285 Long-term intercompany notes payable 0 Capital lease obligations (noncurrent) 3,000 0 Postretirement benefits obligations-noncurrent 90,955 2 25,358 499 Other 19,274 284 (2,260) Total long-term liabilities 280,799 286 159,383 499 0 DEFERRED CREDITS: Deferred income taxes (noncurrent) 51,703 (7,339) 18,358 8,567 8 Deferred income 0 (286) 254 Total deferred credits 51,703 (7,625) 18,612 8,567 8 Total liabilities 470,932 (7,359) 199,565 16,750 64 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY: Capital stock 1 (40,329) 1 452 1 Additional capital 127,545 (185,414) 127,545 34,658 11,519 Unrealized holding gains 0 Retained earnings (14,975) (583) (4,606) (50,280) 6,594 Treasury stock 0 83 0 Division investment 0 (76,533) 73,402 Total shareholders' equity 112,571 (302,776) 196,342 (15,170) 18,114 TOTAL 583,503 (310,135) 395,907 1,580 18,178
WDCI KDC SSR SSC C&H MCB CURRENT ASSETS: Cash 230 (3) (1) 1,845 (25) Certificates of deposit 0 Short-term investments 0 Accounts and notes receivable: 0 Trade 161 27,761 175 Sugar receivable 0 Other 42 12,972 0 Undistributed return from sugar 47,604 Production costs deferred (accrued) 0 Property held for Resale 0 Saleable inventories 0 Materials and supplies 15,964 Deferred income tax (3) (106) 3,362 (145) Prepaid expenses and other current assets 233 6 (5) 1,065 Accrued for deposit in CCF 0 Total current assets 663 3 0 (112) 110,573 5 INVESTMENTS: Subsidiaries consolidated 0 8,670 Divisions 0 Other 0 7 REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENTS 22,647 812 16,862 0 PROPERTY: Land 26,590 1,680 1,827 Buildings 84,179 26,959 Vessels 0 Machinery and equipment 14 109 111,343 Water, power and sewer system 90 0 1,770 Other property improvements 1,270 7,736 209 10,264 Total 112,143 7,845 0 209 150,246 3,597 Less accumulated depreciation 13,074 69 22,552 Property - net 99,069 7,776 0 209 127,694 3,597 CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION FUND 0 NONCURRENT INTERCOMPANY RECEIVABLES 32,948 (1,139) 176 1,076 (11,584) 2,705 DEFERRED CHARGES AND OTHER ASSETS (4) 39,777 TOTAL 132,676 29,287 988 18,035 266,460 14,984 A&B - HAWAII, INC. CONSOLIDATING BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1995 ($000 omitted) WDCI KDC SSR SSC C&H MCB CURRENT LIABILITIES: Notes payable 83,000 Current portion of long-term debt 2,735 Capital lease obligations (current) 500 Accounts payable 78 240 (1) 4,688 89 Payrolls and vacation pay 33 5,910 434 Income taxes - current (8) 810 21 (592) (678) 993 Income taxes - deferred 0 Other taxes 45 1 1,463 (7) Postretirement benefits obligations-current 2,516 362 Uninsured claims 3,547 Reserve for drydocking 0 Other liabilities 342 40 3,469 (1,061) Total current liabilities 457 1,124 21 (593) 107,150 810 LONG-TERM LIABILITIES: Long-term debt 31,285 Long-term intercompany notes payable 0 Capital lease obligations (noncurrent) 3,000 Postretirement benefits obligations-noncurrent 52,164 9,782 Other 2 17,538 3,707 Total long-term liabilities 0 2 0 103,987 13,489 DEFERRED CREDITS: Deferred income taxes (noncurrent) 31,355 (1,247) 2,222 (4) (1,840) Deferred income 0 32 Total deferred credits 31,355 (1,247) 0 2,222 (4) (1,808) Total liabilities 31,812 (121) 21 1,629 211,133 12,491 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY: Capital stock 912 15,501 501 4,001 15,179 2,350 Additional capital 59,849 0 63,330 10,185 Unrealized holding gains 0 Retained earnings 40,103 13,907 466 12,405 (23,182) (9,959) Treasury stock 0 0 (83) Division investment 0 0 0 Total shareholders' equity 100,864 29,408 967 16,406 55,327 2,493 TOTAL 132,676 29,287 988 18,035 266,460 14,984 A&B - HAWAII, INC. CONSOLIDATING BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1995 ($000 omitted) MCBF KCC KTS OC EMI CURRENT ASSETS: Cash (111) (88) (6) 0 0 Certificates of deposit 0 0 0 0 Short-term investments 0 0 0 0 Accounts and notes receivable: 0 0 Trade 683 189 204 0 0 Sugar receivable 0 0 0 0 Other 4 38 (13) 0 0 0 0 Undistributed return from sugar 0 0 0 0 Production costs deferred (accrued) 0 0 Property held for Resale 0 0 Saleable inventories 3,681 0 0 0 0 Materials and supplies 96 22 322 0 0 Deferred income tax 84 123 0 1 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 24 44 81 0 23 Accrued for deposit in CCF 0 0 0 0 Total current assets 4,377 289 711 0 24 INVESTMENTS: Subsidiaries consolidated 0 0 Divisions 0 0 Other 0 0 REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENTS 0 0 PROPERTY: Land 0 0 0 280 Buildings 418 1,664 3,961 0 44 Vessels 0 0 0 0 Machinery and equipment 5,304 1,647 3,305 0 731 Water, power and sewer system 0 201 7 3,955 Other property improvements 10,415 16 64 0 0 Total 16,137 3,327 7,531 7 5,010 Less accumulated depreciation 1,997 1,680 5,611 7 4,414 Property - net 14,140 1,647 1,920 0 596 CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION FUND 0 0 NONCURRENT INTERCOMPANY RECEIVABLES (12,538) 2 2,131 DEFERRED CHARGES AND OTHER ASSETS 42 419 1,623 0 160 TOTAL 6,021 2,355 4,254 2 2,911 A&B - HAWAII, INC. CONSOLIDATING BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1995 ($000 omitted) MCBF KCC KTS OC EMI CURRENT LIABILITIES: Notes payable 0 0 0 0 Current portion of long-term debt 0 0 0 0 Capital lease obligations (current) 0 0 0 0 Accounts payable 30 72 212 0 0 Payrolls and vacation pay 28 75 132 0 12 Income taxes - current (793) 15 (18) 0 (16) Income taxes - deferred 0 0 0 Other taxes 2 10 16 0 0 Postretirement benefits obligations-current 30 182 0 18 Uninsured claims 0 0 Reserve for drydocking 0 0 0 0 Other liabilities 39 125 0 0 Total current liabilities (733) 241 649 0 14 LONG-TERM LIABILITIES: Long-term debt 0 0 0 0 Long-term intercompany notes payable 0 0 0 0 Capital lease obligations (noncurrent) 0 0 0 0 Postretirement benefits obligations-noncurrent 651 2,206 0 293 Other 0 0 3 Total long-term liabilities 0 651 2,206 0 296 DEFERRED CREDITS: Deferred income taxes (noncurrent) 1,773 127 (173) 0 (104) Deferred income 0 0 0 0 Total deferred credits 1,773 127 (173) 0 (104) Total liabilities 1,040 1,019 2,682 0 206 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY: Capital stock 1 1 1 2 1,427 Additional capital 1,804 250 2,917 0 902 Unrealized holding gains 0 0 Retained earnings 45 1,085 (1,346) 0 376 Treasury stock 0 0 0 0 0 Division investment 3,131 0 0 0 0 Total shareholders' equity 4,981 1,336 1,572 2 2,705 TOTAL 6,021 2,355 4,254 2 2,911
ABIC Elim ABI MNC ABHIC Balance at December 31, 1994 541,910 (445,362) 541,910 381,195 64,167 Net income 55,755 (3,648) (3) 67,867 (8,461) Dividends to shareholders (40,035) (40,035) 0 Capital stock purchased and retired (11,196) (11,196) 0 Intercompany dividends 0 133,871 0 (70,000) (63,871) Intercompany property sales 0 6,334 (6,334) Stock acquired in payment of options (40) (40) 0 Investment in subsidiaries changed from cost to equity method 0 (63,804) 63,804 0 Other 0 8,497 (8,021) (476) Balance at December 31, 1995 546,394 (364,112) 546,419 379,062 (14,975) A&B - HAWAII, INC. CONSOLIDATING STATEMENT OF RETAINED EARNINGS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995 ($000 omitted) ABHIC Elim ABHI ABP ABD Balance at December 31, 1994 64,167 (95,126) 65,491 63,508 6,594 Net income (8,461) (8,544) (658) 10,968 0 Dividends to shareholders 0 Capital stock purchased and retired 0 0 Intercompany dividends (63,871) 104,466 (63,871)(124,802) Intercompany sale - HNL Building (6,334) (6,334) Stock acquired in payment of options 0 Investment in subsidiaries changed from 0 cost to equity method 0 (4,818) 4,818 Other (476) 5,674 (6,287) 46 Balance at December 31, 1995 (14,975) 1,652 (6,841) (50,280) 6,594
WDCI KDC SSR SSC C&H MCB Balance at December 31, 1994 32,622 (46) 555 (5,649) (9,025) Net income 7,384 1,273 36 693 (17,533) (936) Dividends to shareholders Capital stock purchased and retired Intercompany dividends 12,681 430 11,156 Intercompany sale - HNL Building Stock acquired in payment of options Investment in subsidiaries changed from cost to equity method Other 97 (1) 1 2 Balance at December 31, 1995 40,103 13,907 466 12,405 (23,182) (9,959) A&B - HAWAII, INC. CONSOLIDATING STATEMENT OF RETAINED EARNINGS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995 ($000 omitted) MCBF KCC KTS OC EMI Balance at December 31, 1994 2,171 1,796 901 0 375 Net income (2,119) 51 923 0 1 Dividends to shareholders Capital stock purchased and retired Intercompany dividends (762) (3,169) Intercompany sale - HNL Building Stock acquired in payment of options Investment in subsidiaries changed from cost to equity method Other (7) (1) Balance at December 31, 1995 45 1,085 (1,346) 0 376
LEGEND OF COMPANY REFERENCES IN CONSOLIDATING FINANCIAL SCHEDULES: Elim Eliminations ABIC Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. Consolidated ABI Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. MNC Matson Navigation Company, Inc. ABHIC A&B- Hawaii, Inc. Consolidated ABHI A&B- Hawaii, Inc. ABP A&B Properties, Inc. ADB A&B Development Co. (Calif), Inc. WDCI Wailea Development Co., Inc. KDC Kukuiula Development Co. Inc. SSR South Shore Resources, Inc. SSC South Shore Community Services, Inc. C&H California & Hawaiian Sugar Co. MCB McBryde Sugar Co., Limited MCBF McBryde Farms, Inc. KCC Kauai Commercial Co., Inc. KTS Kahului Trucking & Storage, Inc. OC Ohanui Corp. EMI East Maui Irrigation Company Limited




BASIS OF CONSOLIDATION:  The consolidated financial statements include the
accounts of Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. and all subsidiaries, after elimination of
significant intercompany amounts.

OCEAN TRANSPORTATION:  Voyage revenue and variable costs and expenses are
included in income at the time each voyage leg commences.  This method of
accounting does not differ materially from other acceptable accounting methods.

Vessel depreciation, charter hire, terminal operating overhead, and general and
administrative expenses are charged to expense as incurred.  Expected costs of
regularly-scheduled dry docking of vessels and planned major vessel repairs
performed during dry docking are accrued.

PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT:  Sales are recorded when the risks and
benefits of ownership have passed to the buyers (generally at closing dates),
adequate down payments have been received and collection of remaining balances
is reasonably assured.

Expenditures for real estate developments are capitalized during construction
and are classified as Real Estate Developments on the balance sheet.  When
construction is complete, the costs are reclassified either as Property or as
Real Estate Held For Sale, based upon the Company's intent to sell the completed
asset or to hold it as an investment.  Cash flows related to real estate
developments are classified as operating or investing activities, based upon the
Company's intention either to sell the property or to retain ownership of the
property as an investment following completion of construction.

FOOD PRODUCTS:  Revenue is recorded when refined sugar products and coffee are
sold to third parties.

Costs of growing sugar cane are charged to the cost of production in the year
incurred and to cost of sales as refined products are sold.  The cost of raw
cane sugar purchased from third parties is recorded as inventory at the purchase

Costs of developing coffee are capitalized during the development period and
depreciated over the estimated productive lives of the orchards.  Costs of
growing coffee are charged to inventory in the year incurred and to cost of
sales as coffee is sold.

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS:  The Company considers highly liquid investments
purchased with original maturities of three months or less, which have no
significant risk of change in value, to be cash equivalents.

INVENTORIES:  Sugar inventory, consisting of raw and refined sugar and coffee
inventory, are stated at the lower of cost (first-in, first-out basis) or
market.  Other inventories, composed principally of materials and supplies, are
stated at the lower of cost (principally average cost) or market.

PROPERTY:  Property is stated at cost.  Major renewals and betterments are
capitalized.  Replacements, maintenance and repairs which do not improve or
extend asset lives are charged to expense as incurred.  Assets held under
capital leases are included with property owned.  Gains or losses from property
disposals are included in income.

CAPITALIZED INTEREST:  Interest costs incurred in connection with significant
expenditures for real estate developments or the construction of assets are

DEPRECIATION:  Depreciation is computed using the straight-line method.
Depreciation expense includes amortization of assets under capital leases and
vessel spare parts.

Estimated useful lives of property are as follows:

Buildings                        10 to 50 years
Vessels                          14 to 40 years
Marine containers                15 years
Machinery and equipment          3 to 35 years
Utility systems and other depreciable property              5 to 60 years

OTHER NON-CURRENT ASSETS:  Other non-current assets consist principally of
supply contracts and intangible assets.  These assets are being amortized using
the straight-line method over periods not exceeding 30 years.

OTHER LONG-TERM LIABILITIES:  Other long-term liabilities include the Company's
estimate of the liability for uninsured claims and self insurance, and reserves
for dry-docking, pensions and other liabilities not expected to be paid within
the next year.

PENSION PLANS:  Certain ocean transportation subsidiaries are members of the
Pacific Maritime Association (PMA), the Maritime Service Committee or the Hawaii
Stevedore Committee, which negotiate multi-employer pension plans covering
certain seagoing and shoreside bargaining unit personnel.  The subsidiaries
negotiate multi-employer pension plans covering other bargaining-unit personnel.
Pension costs are accrued in accordance with contribution rates established by
the PMA, the parties to a plan or the trustees of a plan.  Several trusteed,
noncontributory, single-employer defined benefit plans cover substantially all
other employees.

INCOME TAXES:  Current income tax expense is based on revenue and expenses in
the Statements of Income.  Deferred income tax liabilities and assets are
computed at current tax rates for temporary differences between the financial
statement and income tax bases of assets and liabilities.

FAIR VALUES:  The carrying values of current assets (other than inventories,
real estate held for sale, deferred income taxes and prepaid and other assets)
and of debt instruments are reasonable estimates of their fair values.  Real
estate is carried at the lower of cost or net realizable value.  Net realizable
values are generally determined using the expected market value for the property
less sales costs.  For residential units and lots held for sale, market value is
determined by reference to the sales of similar property, market studies, tax
assessments and discounted cash flows.  For commercial property, market value is
determined using recent comparable sales, tax assessments and cash flow
analysis.  A large portion of the Company's real estate is undeveloped land
located in Hawaii.  This land has a cost basis which averages $145 per acre, a
value which is much lower  than market values.

FUTURES CONTRACTS:  Realized and unrealized gains and losses on commodity
futures contracts are deferred and recorded in inventory in the period in which
the related inventory purchases occur.  These amounts are not significant.

ENVIRONMENTAL COSTS:  Environmental expenditures that relate to current
operations are expensed or capitalized as appropriate.  Expenditures that relate
to an existing condition caused by past operations or events, and which do not
contribute to current or future revenue generation, are charged to expense.
Liabilities are recorded when environmental assessments or remedial efforts are
probable and the costs can be reasonably estimated.

USE OF ESTIMATES:  The preparation of financial statements in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates
and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and
disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial
statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the reporting
period. Future actual amounts could differ from those estimates.

RECLASSIFICATIONS:  Certain amounts in the 1994 and 1993 financial statements
have been reclassified to conform with the 1995 presentation.

RESTATEMENTS:  The financial statements for all periods presented have been
restated to reflect the sale of certain net assets of the Company's container
leasing segment as described in Note 4.


Total contributions to the multi-employer pension plans covering personnel in
shoreside and seagoing bargaining units were $5,903,000 in 1995, $8,216,000 in
1994 and $8,626,000 in 1993.  Union collective bargaining agreements provide
that total employer contributions during the terms of the agreements be
sufficient to meet the normal costs and amortization payments required to be
funded during those periods.  Contributions are generally based on union labor
used or cargo handled or carried.  A portion of such contributions is for
unfunded accrued actuarial liabilities of the plans being funded over periods of
25 to 40 years, which began between 1967 and 1976.

The multi-employer plans are subject to the plan termination insurance
provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended,
and are paying premiums to the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC).
The statutes provide that an employer which withdraws from or significantly
reduces its contribution obligation to a multi-employer plan generally will be
required to continue funding its proportional share of the plan's unfunded
vested benefits.

Under special rules approved by the PBGC and adopted by the longshore plan in
1984, the Company could cease Pacific Coast cargo-handling operations
permanently and stop contributing to the plan without any withdrawal liability,
provided that the plan meets certain funding obligations as defined in the plan.
The estimated withdrawal liabilities under the Hawaii longshore plan and the
seagoing plans aggregated approximately $6,437,000 for various plan years ended
December 1995 and 1994, and July 1995, based on estimates by plan actuaries.
Management has no present intention of withdrawing from and does not anticipate
termination of any of the aforementioned plans.

The net pension cost (benefit) and components for 1995, 1994 and 1993, of 
single-employer defined benefit pension plans, which cover substantially all
other employees, were as follows:

                                                 1995     1994     1993
                                                    (In thousands)

Service cost--benefits earned during the year   $6,210   $ 7,317   $ 5,907
Interest cost on projected benefit obligation   21,785    20,542    17,584
Actual return on plan assets                   (26,361) (24,122) (18,776)
Net amortization and deferral                   (2,054)  (1,221)  (2,514)
Curtailments and terminations                   (1,761)   1,300    2,117
Net pension cost (benefit)                     $(2,181) $3,816   $4,318

The funded status of the single-employer plans at December 31, 1995 and 1994
was as follows:

                                  1995              1994

                                 Assets         Assets     Accumulated
                                 Exceed         Exceed       Benefits
                              Accumulated     Accumulated     Exceed
                                Benefits       Benefits       Assets
                                            (In thousands)

Actuarial present value 
   of benefit obligation:
   Vested benefits             $ 241,422     $ 122,153       $ 112,925
   Non-vested benefits             9,881         3,830           4,297
   Accumulated benefit 
      obligation                 251,303       125,983         117,222
   Additional amounts 
      related to projected
      compensation levels         34,276        22,927          11,277
   Projected benefit 
      obligation                 285,579       148,910         128,499
Plan assets at fair value        348,208       178,118         104,867

Deficiency (Excess) of  
  plan assets over
  projected benefit obligation   (62,629)      (29,208)         23,632
Prior service costs to be 
  recognized in future
  years                           (3,739)       (2,121)         (1,656)
Unrecognized actuarial 
  net gain (loss)                 75,759        27,468          (1,227)
Unrecognized net asset at
  January 1, 1987 (being 
  amortized overperiods 
  of 4 to 15 years)                3,954         4,660             385

Accrued pension liability      $  13,345     $     799       $  21,134

For 1995 and 1994, the projected benefit obligation was determined using a
discount rate of 8% and assumed increases in future compensation levels of 5%.
The expected long-term rate of return on assets was 9% for 1995 and 8 1/4% for
1994.  The assets of the plans consist principally of listed stocks and bonds.

Contributions are determined annually for each plan by the Company's pension
administrative committee, based upon the actuarially determined minimum required
contribution under ERISA and the maximum deductible contribution allowed for tax
purposes.  For the plans covering employees who are members of collective
bargaining units, the benefit formulas are determined according to the
collective bargaining agreements, either using career average pay as the base or
a flat dollar amount per year of service.  The benefit formulas for the
remaining defined benefit plans are based on final average pay.

The Company has non-qualified supplemental pension plans covering certain
employees and retirees, which provide for incremental pension payments from the
Company's general funds, so that total pension benefits would be substantially
equal to amounts that would have been payable from the Company's qualified
pension plans if it were not for limitations imposed by income tax regulations.
The projected benefit obligation, included with other non-current liabilities,
relating to these unfunded plans, totaled $8,680,000 and $7,661,000 at December
31, 1995 and 1994, respectively.


THE COMPANY AS LESSEE:  Various subsidiaries of the Company lease a vessel and
certain land, buildings and equipment under both capital and operating leases.
Capital leases include one vessel leased for a term of 25 years ending in 1998;
containers, machinery and equipment for terms of 5 to 12 years expiring through
1997; and a wastewater treatment facility in California, the title to which will
revert to a subsidiary in 2002.  Principal operating leases cover office and
terminal facilities for periods which expire between 1996 and 2026.  Management
expects that in the normal course of business, most operating leases will be
renewed or replaced by other similar leases.

Rental expense under operating leases totaled $46,680,000, $48,169,000, and
$43,270,000 for the years ended December 31, 1995, 1994 and 1993, respectively.
Contingent rents and income from sublease rents were not significant.

Assets recorded under capital lease obligations and included in property at
December 31, 1995 and 1994 were as follows:
                                               1995     1994
                                              (In thousands)

Vessel                                      $ 55,253  $ 55,253
Machinery and equipment                       42,688    42,870
  Total                                       97,941    98,123
Less accumulated amortization                 84,813    74,674
Property under capital leases--net          $ 13,128  $ 23,449

Future minimum payments under all leases and the present value of minimum
capital lease payments as of December 31, 1995 were as follows:

                                             Capital   Operating
                                              Leases     Leases
                                               (In thousands)

1996                                        $ 14,759   $  15,960
1997                                          15,026      14,590
1998                                          10,703      14,837
1999                                             609      14,834
2000                                             576      12,868
Thereafter                                     1,063     114,072
Total minimum lease payments                  42,736   $ 187,161
Less amount representing interest              7,489
Present value of future minimum payments      35,247
Less current portion                          11,061
Long-term obligations at December 31, 1995  $ 24,186

A subsidiary is obligated to pay terminal facility rent equal to the principal
and interest on Special Facility Revenue Bonds issued by the Department of
Transportation of the State of Hawaii.  Interest on the bonds is payable semi-
annually and principal, in the amount of $16,500,000 is due in 2013.  An accrued
liability of $7,170,000 and $6,626,000 at December 31, 1995 and 1994,
respectively, included in other long-term liabilities, provides for a pro-rata
portion of the principal due on these bonds.

THE COMPANY AS LESSOR:  Various Company subsidiaries lease land, buildings and
land improvements under operating leases.  The historical cost of and
accumulated depreciation on leased property at December 31, 1995 and 1994 were
as follows:
                                               1995        1994
                                                (In thousands)

Leased property                               $ 246,609  $210,217
Less accumulated amortization                    37,555    32,567
Property under operating leases--net          $ 209,054  $177,650

Total rental income under these operating leases for the three years ended
December 31, 1995 was as follows:

                                      1995     1994     1993
                                         (In thousands)

Minimum rentals                      $ 28,164  $ 31,792  $ 30,968
Contingent rentals 
(based on sales volume)                   880     1,515     1,111
  Total                              $ 29,044  $ 33,307  $ 32,079

Future minimum rental income on non-cancelable leases at December 31, 1995 was
as follows:

                                  (In thousands)

1996                                $  31,551
1997                                   26,689
1998                                   18,930
1999                                   15,169
2000                                   12,324
Thereafter                            159,912
 Total                              $ 264,575


In June 1995, the Company sold the net assets of its container leasing
subsidiary, Matson Leasing Company, Inc., for $361.7 million in cash, and
realized an after-tax gain of $18 million.  Specifically excluded from the sale
were long-term debt and U. S. tax obligations of the business.

Summary operating results of discontinued operations, excluding the above gain,
were as follows:

                                  1995      1994     1993
                                      (In thousands)

Net sales                        $ 35,251  $ 63,060  $ 55,544
Gross profit                     $ 14,762  $ 24,499  $ 20,500

Earnings before income taxes     $  8,564  $ 16,604  $ 13,047
Income taxes                        3,228     5,975     4,794
Net earnings from discontinued
  operations                     $  5,336   $10,629  $  8,253

The components of net assets of discontinued operations included in the
Consolidated Balance Sheet at December 31, 1994 were as follows (in

Current assets                   $  14,829
Containers and equipment, net      305,874
Current liabilities                 (1,505)
Other long-term liabilities         (5,508)
Net assets                       $ 313,690


The income tax expense for the three years ended December 31, 1995 consisted of
the following:

                                        1995       1994     1993
                                         (In thousands)

  Federal                            $ (23,833) $ 29,796  $ 23,894
  State                                    403     1,444     2,830
    Total                              (23,430)   31,240    26,724
Deferred                                42,965     1,412    14,662
Income tax expense                   $  19,535  $ 32,652  $ 41,386

Total income tax expense for the three years ended December 31, 1995 differs
from amounts computed by applying the statutory Federal rate to pre-tax income,
for the following reasons:

                                      1995     1994     1993
                                         (In thousands)

Computed income tax expense          $ 18,184  $ 33,821  $ 35,043
Increase (decrease) resulting from:
  Tax rate increases                      -         -       6,963
  State tax on income, less                             
      applicable Federal tax              326     1,332     1,999
  Fair market value over cost 
      of donations                        -      (2,138)      -
  Low-income housing credits           (1,224)   (1,219)   (1,214)
  Other-net                             2,249       856    (1,405)
    Income tax expense               $ 19,535  $ 32,652  $ 41,386

The tax effects of temporary differences that give rise to significant portions
of the net deferred tax liability at December 31, 1995 and 1994 were as follows:

                                               1995       1994
                                               (In thousands)

Deposits to the CCF                           $ 252,348   $ 201,963
Tax-deferred gains on real               
    estate transactions                         69,317       68,488
Accelerated depreciation                        44,136      111,253
Unrealized holding gains on securities          23,664       17,273
Post-retirement benefits                       (47,813)     (45,209)
Alternative minimum tax benefits               (14,264)      (6,531)
Insurance reserves                              (6,766)      (1,759)
Capitalized leases                                (957)       2,409
Other-net                                         (725)     (13,292)
  Total                                       $ 318,940   $ 334,595

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has completed its audits of the Company's tax
returns through 1988 and, with one exception, has settled all issues raised
during such audits.  No settlement had a material effect on the Company's
financial position or results of operations.  The Company is contesting the
remaining issue, which relates to the timing of a deduction for tax purposes.
The IRS has commenced  an audit of the tax returns for 1989 through 1991.
Management believes that the ultimate resolution of any adjustment resulting
from the 1987, 1988 and the current audits will not have a material effect on
the Company's financial position or results of operations.


The Company has plans that provide certain retiree health care and life
insurance benefits to substantially all salaried and to certain hourly
employees.  Employees are generally eligible for such benefits upon retirement
and completion of a specified number of years of credited service.  The Company
does not pre-fund these benefits and has the right to modify or terminate
certain of these plans in the future.  Certain groups of retirees pay a portion
of the benefit costs.

The net periodic cost for post-retirement health care and life insurance
benefits during 1995, 1994 and 1993 included the following:

                                   1995     1994      1993
                                      (In thousands)

Service cost                     $ 1,512  $ 2,149   $ 1,524
Interest cost                      7,031    7,825     4,742
Net amortization                 (1,524)     (216)      -
Curtailment gain                 (2,045)       -        -
Post-retirement benefit cost     $ 4,974  $ 9,758   $ 6,266

The unfunded accumulated post-retirement benefit obligation at December 31, 1995
and 1994 is summarized below:

                                      1995          1994
                                        (In thousands)

Accumulated post-retirement benefit obligation:

 Retirees                            $  56,606       $  64,619
 Fully-eligible active plan 
    participants                         9,073          10,577
 Other active plan participants         25,373          30,359
 Unrecognized prior service cost         5,676           3,215
 Unrecognized net gain                  26,862          14,422
   Total                               123,590         123,192
Current obligation                       5,118           6,582
Non-current obligation               $ 118,472       $ 116,610

For 1995 and 1994, the weighted average discount rate used in determining the
accumulated post-retirement benefit obligation was 8%, and the assumed health
care cost trend rate used in measuring the accumulated post-retirement benefit
obligation was 10% through 2001, decreasing to 5% thereafter.  If the assumed
health care cost trend rate were increased by one percentage point, the
accumulated post-retirement benefit obligation as of December 31, 1995 and 1994
would have increased by approximately $10,405,000 and $12,235,000, respectively,
and the net periodic post-retirement benefit cost for 1995 and 1994 would have
increased by approximately $1,190,000 and $2,153,000, respectively.


At December 31, 1995 and 1994, investments principally consisted of marketable
equity securities, limited partnership interests and purchase-money mortgages.

Effective January 1, 1994, the Company adopted SFAS No. 115, "Accounting for
Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities."  The marketable equity
securities are classified as "available for sale" and are stated at quoted
market values.    The unrealized holding gain on these securities, net of
deferred income taxes, has been recorded as a separate component of
shareholders' equity.

The components of the net unrealized holding gains at December 31, 1995 and 1994
were as follows:

                                      1995           1994
                                        (In thousands)

Market value                         $ 73,460       $ 56,312
Less historical cost                    9,966          9,966
Unrealized holding gain                63,494         46,346
Less deferred income taxes             23,664         17,273
Net unrealized holding gain          $ 39,830       $ 29,073

The investments in limited partnership interests and purchase money mortgages
are recorded at cost, which approximated market values, of $8,786,000 and
$8,601,000 at December 31, 1995 and 1994, respectively.  The purchase money
mortgages are intended to be held to maturity.  The value of the underlying
investments of the limited partnership interests are assessed annually and are
approximately equal to the original cost.

See Note 11 for a discussion of market values of investments in the Capital
Construction Fund.


At December 31, 1995 and 1994, long-term debt consisted of the following:

                                       1995       1994
                                       (In thousands)

Commercial paper, 
   5.83% - 6.19% due 1996           $ 246,437    $ 304,301

Bank revolving credit loans 
   (1995 high 6.88%, low 5.99%)
   due after 1995                      40,000       52,500

Term loans:
   7.19%, payable through 2007         75,000       75,000
   8%, payable through 2000 .          47,500       50,000
   9.05%, payable through 1999         27,201       32,611
   9%, payable through 1999 ..         21,176       50,000
   9.8%, payable through 2004          18,750       20,833
   7.65%, payable through 2001         10,000       10,000
   11.78%, payable through 1997         1,269        1,848

Mortgage loans, collateralized by land and buildings:
   11%, repaid in 1995                   -           3,046
   12.5%, repaid in 1995                 -           2,724
   Other, repaid in 1995                 -             281
Limited partnership subscription
   notes, no interest,
   payable through 1996                   850        1,700
     Total                            488,183      604,844
     Less current portion              24,794       27,239
     Commercial paper classified 
        as current                     83,000       58,000
     Long-term debt                 $ 380,389    $ 519,605

REVOLVING CREDIT FACILITIES:  The Company and a subsidiary have a revolving
credit and term loan agreement with five commercial banks, whereby they may
borrow up to $155,000,000, under revolving loans to November 30, 1997, at
varying rates of interest.  Any revolving loan outstanding on that date may be
converted into a term loan, which would be payable in 16 equal quarterly
installments.  The agreement contains certain restrictive covenants, the most
significant of which requires the maintenance of an interest coverage ratio of
2:1.  At December 31, 1995 and 1994, $10,000,000 and $20,000,000, respectively,
were outstanding under this agreement.

The Company and a subsidiary have an uncommitted $45,000,000 short-term
revolving credit agreement with a commercial bank.  The agreement extends to
November 30, 1996, but may be canceled by the bank at any time.  At December 31,
1995 and 1994, $17,000,000 and $12,500,000, respectively, were outstanding under
this agreement.

In 1994, the Company and a subsidiary entered into an uncommitted $25,000,000
revolving credit agreement with a commercial bank.  The agreement extends to
July 18, 1997.  At December 31, 1995 and 1994, $13,000,000 and $20,000,000,
respectively, were outstanding under this agreement.

During 1995, a subsidiary entered into a $50,000,000 one-year Revolving Credit
Agreement to replace two previous credit facilities.  Up to $25,000,000 of this
agreement serves as a commercial paper liquidity back-up line, with the balance
available for general corporate funds.  At December 31, 1995, there were no
amounts outstanding under this agreement.

COMMERCIAL PAPER:  At December 31, 1995 there were two commercial paper
programs.  The first program was used by a subsidiary to finance the
construction of a vessel, which was delivered in 1992.  At December 31, 1995,
$149,437,000 of commercial paper notes was outstanding under this program.
Maturities ranged from 4 to 39 days.  The borrowings outstanding under this
program are classified as long-term, because the subsidiary intends to continue
the program indefinitely and eventually to repay the program with qualified
withdrawals from the Capital Construction Fund.

The second commercial paper program is used by a subsidiary to fund the
purchases of sugar inventory from Hawaii sugar growers and to provide working
capital for sugar refining and marketing operations.  At December 31, 1995,
$97,000,000 of commercial paper notes was outstanding under this program.
Maturities ranged from 11 to 23 days.  The interest cost and certain fees on the
borrowings relating to sugar inventory advances to growers are reimbursed by the
growers.  At December 31, 1995, $31,378,000 was outstanding as advances to
growers under this program.  Of the total commercial paper borrowing outstanding
at December 31, 1995, $83,000,000 was classified as current.  The commercial
paper is supported by a $100,000,000 backup revolving credit facility with six
commercial banks.  Both the commercial paper program and the backup facility are
guaranteed by the subsidiary's parent and by the Company.

In 1995, the Company repaid the outstanding commercial paper notes of a third
program which had been used to finance container purchases of the discontinued
container leasing business.

LONG-TERM DEBT MATURITIES:  At December 31, 1995, maturities and planned
prepayments of all long-term debt during the next five years totaled $24,794,000
for 1996, $31,967,000 for 1997, $24,453,000 for 1998, $32,616,000 for 1999 and
$19,584,000 for 2000.


A&B has a stock option plan ("1989 Plan") under which key employees may be
granted stock purchase options and stock appreciation rights.  A second stock
option plan for key employees terminated in 1993, but shares previously granted
under the plan are still exercisable.  Under the 1989 Plan, option prices may
not be less than the fair market value of a share of the Company's common stock
on the dates of grant, and each option generally becomes exercisable in-full one
year after the date granted.  Payment for options exercised, to the extent not
reduced by the application or surrender of stock appreciation rights, may be
made in cash or in shares of the Company's stock.  If payment is made in shares
of the Company's stock, the option holder may receive, under a reload feature of
the 1989 Plan, a new stock option for the  number of shares equal to that
surrendered, with an option price not less than at the fair market value of the
Company's stock on the date of exercise.  During 1995, 527,800 new options were
granted under the 1989 Plan.

The 1989 Plan also permits issuance of shares of the Company's common stock as a
reward for past service rendered to the Company or one of its subsidiaries or as
an incentive for future service with such entities.  The recipients' interest in
such shares may be fully vested upon issuance or may vest in one or more
installments, upon such terms and conditions as are determined by the committee
which administers the plan.

The Company also has a Directors' stock option plan, under which each non-
employee Director of the Company, elected at an Annual Meeting of Shareholders,
is automatically granted, on the date of each such Annual Meeting, an option to
purchase 3,000 shares of the Company's common stock at the average fair market
value of the shares for the five consecutive trading days prior to the grant
date.  Each option becomes exercisable six months after the date granted.  At
December 31, 1995, a total of 171,000 options have been granted under the plan,
3,000 options have been canceled and no options have been exercised.

Changes in shares under all option plans, for the three years ended December 31,
1995, were as follows:

                                                Price Range
                                      Shares     Per Share

1993: Granted                        423,200   $24.250-24.500
      Exercised                       23,576)   17.375-24.750
      Canceled                       (73,400)   24.250-36.250
      Outstanding, December 31     2,037,128    17.375-37.875

1994: Granted                        475,200    24.700-27.000
      Exercised                      (12,300)   17.375-24.750
      Canceled                       (55,996)   24.250-36.250
      Outstanding, December 31     2,444,032    17.375-37.875

1995: Granted                        551,800    21.750-22.500
      Exercised                      (23,550)   17.375-24.750
      Canceled                      (385,531)   24.250-36.250
      Outstanding, December 31
      (2,045,051 exercisable)      2,586,751   $17.375-37.875

Options outstanding at December 31, 1995 include 60,166 shares that carry stock
appreciation rights which expire in 1997.  The outstanding options do not have a
material dilutive effect in the calculation of earnings per share of common

The Company has a Shareholder Rights Plan, designed to protect the interests of
shareholders in the event an attempt is made to acquire the Company.  The rights
initially will trade with the Company's outstanding common stock and will not be
exercisable absent certain acquisitions or attempted acquisitions of specified
percentages of such stock. If exercisable, the rights generally entitle
shareholders to purchase additional shares of the Company's stock or shares of
an acquiring company's stock at prices below market value.


At December 31, 1995, the Company and its subsidiaries had an unspent balance of
total appropriations for capital expenditures of approximately $216,971,000.
However, there is no contractual obligation to spend this entire amount.  Of
this amount, $155,500,000 is for the planned vessels described in Note 12.

A subsidiary has arranged for standby letters of credit of approximately
$13,800,000, necessary to qualify as a self-insurer for state and federal
workers' compensation liabilities.

A subsidiary has received a favorable court judgment resulting from a contested
insurance claim.  The claim was for reimbursement of certain expenses incurred
by the subsidiary in connection with repairing port facilities damaged by a 1989
earthquake.  Although the award has been appealed, management and its outside
counsel believe that the ultimate outcome of this litigation will be an award at
least equal to the claim recorded in the financial statements.

A subsidiary is a party, acting as the steam host, to a Steam Purchase Agreement
with a developer which has received regulatory authority approval to construct
and operate a cogeneration facility contiguous to the subsidiary's California
refinery.  The agreement provides that, during the 30-year period of the
agreement, the subsidiary will receive steam necessary for refinery operations
at a reduced price, compared to the market price of fuel which presently must be
purchased to generate its steam requirements.

A subsidiary is party to a long-term sugar supply contract with Hawaiian Sugar &
Transportation Cooperative (HSTC), a raw sugar marketing and transportation
cooperative owned by two other subsidiaries and by the other Hawaii sugar
growers.  Under the terms of this contract, the subsidiary is obligated to
purchase, and HSTC is obligated to sell, all of the raw sugar delivered to HSTC
by the Hawaii sugar growers, at prices determined by the quoted domestic sugar
market.  The subsidiary made purchases of raw sugar totaling $158,284,000 and
$271,212,000 under the contract during 1995 and 1994, respectively.  The
contract also requires that the subsidiary provide cash advances to HSTC prior
to the physical receipt of the sugar at its refineries (see Note 8).  Such
advances are determined by the estimated raw sugar market prices.  Amounts due
to HSTC are credited against outstanding advances to HSTC upon delivery of raw
sugar to the subsidiary's refineries.

The Company and certain subsidiaries are parties to various legal actions and
are contingently liable in connection with claims and contracts arising in the
normal course of business, the outcome of which, in the opinion of management
after consultation with legal counsel, will not have a material adverse effect
on the Company's financial position or results of operations.


A subsidiary is party to an agreement with the United States Government which
established a Capital Construction Fund (CCF) under provisions of the Merchant
Marine Act, 1936, as amended.  The agreement has program objectives for the
acquisition, construction or reconstruction of vessels and for repayment of
existing vessel indebtedness.  Deposits to the CCF are limited by certain
applicable earnings.  Such deposits are not subject to Federal income taxes in
the year earned, but are taxable, with interest payable from the year of
deposit, if withdrawn for general corporate purposes or other non-qualified
purposes, or upon termination of the agreement.  Qualified withdrawals for
investment in vessels having adequate tax bases do not give rise to a current
tax liability, but reduce the depreciable bases of the vessels or other assets
for income tax purposes.  Amounts deposited into the CCF are preference items
for inclusion in Federal alternative minimum taxable income.  Deposits not
committed for qualified purposes within 25 years from December 31, 1986, or
later date of deposit, will be treated as non-qualified withdrawals.  As of
December 31, 1995, the oldest CCF deposits date from 1987.  Management believes
that all amounts deposited in the CCF at the end of 1995 will be used or
committed for qualified purposes prior to the expiration of the 25-year period.

Under the terms of the CCF agreement, the subsidiary may designate certain
qualified earnings as "accrued deposits" or may designate, as obligations of the
CCF, qualified withdrawals to reimburse qualified expenditures initially made
with operating funds.  Such accrued deposits to and withdrawals from the CCF are
reflected on the balance sheet either as an obligation of the Company's current
assets or as a receivable from the CCF.

As discussed in Note 7, in 1994 the Company adopted the provisions of SFAS No.
115.  The Company has classified its investments in the CCF as "held-to-
maturity" and, accordingly, has not reflected temporary unrealized market gains
and losses in the Balance Sheets or Statements of Income.  The long-term nature
of the CCF program supports the Company's intention to hold these investments to

At December 31, 1995 and 1994, the balances on deposit in the CCF are summarized
in Table 1.

TABLE 1 (In thousands)        
                           Amortized     Fair      Unrealized 
                              Cost       Value      Gain(Loss)
Mortgage-backed securities  $  95,156   $  91,132    $ (4,024)      
Cash and cash equivalents     215,823     215,856         33  
Treasury notes                   -          -             -   
Accrued deposits                6,233       6,233         -  
Total                       $ 317,212   $ 313,221    $ (3,991) 

                           Amortized     Fair      Unrealized 
                              Cost       Value        Loss
Mortgage-backed securities  $ 108,247   $  96,678      (11,569)      
Cash and cash equivalents      64,263      64,263        - 
Treasury notes                  2,984       2,984        -   
Accrued deposits                  550         550        -  
Total                       $ 176,044   $ 164,475    $ (11,569)

Fair value of the mortgage-backed securities ("MBS") was determined by an
outside investment management company, based on the experience of trading
identical or substantially similar securities.  No central exchange exists for
these securities; they are traded over-the-counter.

At the end of 1995, the fair value of the Company's investments in MBS is less
than amortized cost, due to interest rate sensitivity inherent in the fair value
determination of such securities.  While an unrealized market loss exists, the
Company intends to hold these investments to maturity, which ranges from 1996
through 2024.  The MBS have a weighted average life of approximately six years,
based on information currently available to the Company.  The Company earned
$7,655,000 in 1995, $8,292,000 in 1994, and $7,218,000 in 1993 on its
investments in MBS.

Fair values of the remaining CCF investments were based on quoted market prices,
if available.  If a quoted market price was not available, fair value was
estimated, using quoted market prices of similar securities and investments.
These remaining investments mature in 1996.

During 1995 and 1994, there were no sales of securities classified as "held-to-
maturity" included in the CCF.


In January 1996, the Company purchased five container ships from American
President Lines, Ltd. (APL) for $155,500,000,  of which $145,500,000 was
financed by qualified withdrawals from the CCF.

The Company intends to use four of these container ships and one existing fleet
unit in a joint service with APL, between the United States West Coast and
Hawaii, Korea, Japan and Guam.  The Company will have the full reach of the
vessels on each westbound voyage from the United States West Coast to Hawaii,
Guam, Japan and Korea.  APL will take each vessel on time charter in Korea and
redeliver the vessel at the end of its eastbound voyage on the United States
West Coast.  APL will reimburse the Company for vessel operating costs incurred
while under time charter to APL.  The Company expects to commence the joint
service with APL in February 1996.


Industry segment information for 1995, 1994 and 1993, on page 28, is
incorporated herein by reference.  Segments are:

Ocean transportation -- carrying freight between various U.S. and Canadian West
Coast, Hawaii and Western Pacific ports, and providing terminal services.

Property development and management -- developing, managing and selling
residential, commercial and industrial properties.

Food products -- growing, processing and marketing sugar, molasses and coffee,
and generating and selling electricity.

As discussed in Note 4, the net assets of the container leasing segment were
sold in 1995.


DECEMBER 31, 1995
(In thousands)


 Item No.  Caption Heading
     1     Total Assets                         $1,782,759
     2     Total Operating Revenues               $988,043
     3     Net Income                              $55,755